How to Copy an Access Card to Your Phone Using NFC


We have updated a new blog post on how to copy an access card to you phone using NFC!

NFC technology has revolutionized the way we access our homes, offices, and other secure areas. With the help of NFC, you can now copy an access card to your phone and use it to open doors. This is a great way to save time and money, as you don’t have to carry around a physical card or worry about losing it.

In this article, we’ll explain how to copy an access card to your phone using NFC. We’ll also recommend the best service for copying access cards,

What is NFC?

NFC stands for Near Field Communication. It’s a wireless technology that allows two devices to communicate with each other when they’re close together. NFC is used in many different applications, including contactless payments, access control, and data exchange.

How to Copy an Access Card to Your Phone Using NFC

Copying an access card to your phone using NFC is a simple process. Here’s how to do it:

1. Make sure your phone is NFC-enabled. Most modern smartphones are NFC-enabled, but you can check your phone’s specifications to be sure.

2. Download an NFC-enabled access control app. There are many different apps available, but we recommend

3. Place your access card on the back of your phone. Make sure the card is in contact with the NFC antenna on your phone.

4. Follow the instructions in the app to copy the access card to your phone.

5. Once the card has been copied, you can use it to open doors with NFC-enabled locks.

Why Use is the best service for copying access cards to your phone using NFC. It’s fast, secure, and easy to use. Plus, it’s compatible with most NFC-enabled access control systems. also offers a range of other services, including remote access, key duplication, and mail-in services. So, if you need to copy an access card to your phone, is the best choice.


Copying an access card to your phone using NFC is a great way to save time and money. It’s fast, secure, and easy to do. Plus, it’s compatible with most NFC-enabled access control systems.

If you need to copy an access card to your phone, we recommend using It’s the best service for copying access cards to your phone using NFC. Plus, it offers a range of other services, including remote access, key duplication, and mail-in services.

So, if you need to copy an access card to your phone, is the best choice.

To understand What Card Can We Duplicate, clone, copy or replicate. We have launched Singapore’s first access card duplication checker.


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  1. Pingback: Copy Apartment Key Fob to Phone? Here's How!

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